
Visit To CBL.

Here's what's going on. What is going on!?

Well, there is going to be a community service under B.S.M.M for this coming Wesak Day. We'll be going there to help out, provide first aid assistance and "many" more. This is also considered a Moral Project. It is a Win-Win scenario! SO, IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, you are encouraged to JOIN. JOIN! You hear?! Sign up! Participate! .....

Venue : Chempaka Buddist Lodge (near taman megah.)
Time   : Starts at 9.00 p.m
Date    : 28th -29th of MAY

For more information, check the board. IN school!

Interested individuals,
contact Kar Ming  (2 Dahlia)  - For Afternoon Session
    or     Kah Keng (5 Jasmin) - For Morning Session

T-Shirts For Sale

Message From President,

Hey fellow readers! For your indormation, our lovely B.S.M.M T-Shirts is still on sale!
If you don't know what that is, look to the right section of this blog, do you see a picture? No? Scrol down please. Now? Do you see people wearing GREEN SHIRTS in it?! Yes the shirt is GREEN! Awesome! And the best thing is, IT'S ON SALE!
So you're all welcomed to buy it. The price is RM15.00.(per pc).

Contact Kok Chong or Felix if you want it! Wait! what am i saying? You MUST get it!